Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blog Action Day

I came across this site on the web called "Blog Action Day." On October 15th tons of bloggers on the web will come together to blog about one single crucial issue, the environment. This day, October 15th, is being called Blog Action Day. The organizers of this event are Collis Ta'ee (with Eden Creative Communities and blogs on NorthxEast), Leo Babauta (author of ZENHabits and writes on the blogs, DumbLittleMan, and FreelanceSwitch, and WebWorkerDaily), and Cyan Ta'eed, responsible for one of the fastest growing blogs on the net, FreelanceSwitch.

Why is this event so important? Because the environment is important. Just think, if thousands of people blog on the exact same day about one single issue...that would be pretty awesome. You can participate in Blog Action Day by doing ONE or BOTH of the following:

1. Publish a blog post that relates to any issue pertaining to the environment.
2. Donate to an environmental charity of your choice or one from the list on the Blog Action Day site.

I know that most of us are broke college students, but since we are bloggers and it's free to blog, we could take part in Blog Action Day. Check out the site to read more about it, it's pretty interesting!


Benjamin said...

I see this as basically a new way to protest. Except this doesn't dissapate after a few hours, it will stay on the internet and google indefiently. Very cool indeed.

Jennifer said...

This reminds me of Life Earth or an awareness day. That is really interesting, shows how high-tech the world has gotten.

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