Monday, November 26, 2007

Blogger Boot Camp!

"It is easy to become a blogger, but it takes special skills to be an effective one."

I completely agree with that statement. We have learned throughout this course how effective blogging can be, whether it's personal, school related, or business wise. It's interesting to think that some people might not be good at it, but in order for blogging to have the effect you want you must know what you're doing and do it well.

I came across this website that talks about DeVry University, in Westminister, CO, hosting a Blogger Boot Camp on January 15, 2008. When I first read the title I thought it sounded silly, but after reading through the page and finding out information about the boot camp, it seems like it could be extremely beneficial.

There are going to six instructors ranging from online consultants and writers to different CEOs of technology and media companies. They are going to cover all topics concerning blogging, such as the history of blogging, why it's important, RSS, the latest trends in blogging, the future of blogging, and more.

It has now been months since we began taking this course and I think I finally realize how incredibley useful and popular blogging is all over the world. I think it's great that other universities are giving people the opportunity to learn this type of information because blogging is the next big thing...well, it kind of already is. If you read through the page, you'll see how intense this Blogger Boot Camp really is, it's pretty impressive.

Anybody who's anybody is blogging!


Jennifer said...

What a good idea! Very much needed, and yes before this course I would've thought that was a crazy idea. But now I think it is quite necessary.

Benjamin said...

You go to blogger boot camp, so that then you can go to blogger war...think about it!